about Funnel Graphic

My name is Marilyn. I’ve been running a graphic design company since 2005 and building several online businesses along the way.

I realised there are many creators like you who want to start your own businesses so that you have the freedom to control your time, your work and life.

Funnel Graphic was born to do just that: giving you the tools, guides and resources to start and grow your own profitable online business so that you can make recurring income.

In this resource, you will get everything I’ve done to grow my business, from content marketing with your blog, Medium and set up your newsletter with your website, Substack and promoting your business with LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Plus learn to create your own graphics for your business using Canva, to Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Procreate, Figma, WordPress, Shopify, Squarespace and more.

My first taste of Adobe Photoshop was in 2001 when I used it to create a bimonthly magazine for my University club.

The learning curve was steep and the software was clunky. But it was fun to figure it out and satisfying to see what it could create.

Those years of learning did come to use as I ventured into freelance graphic design after I graduated from school.

As I gained more experience and learned more over the years, I also became a designer, photographer, web developer, social media manager, content manager, digital marketer, copywriter, all things technical, you name it! In the present day, I would call myself a full-time creator like you.

As a creator, I learned to not only use tools to design graphics but also understand my target audience better and create relevant graphics for my marketing and sales funnels.

Everything here comes from my experience having helped other companies with branding, graphic design, web design, and marketing.

Building a business certainly helps me acquire varied skills. I’ve learned to work with the right customers, hire the best designers, and most importantly, delegate day-to-day tasks instead of doing them myself.

Today the team has grown to serve hundreds of companies like Samsung, X (formerly Twitter), Standard Chartered, Thomson Reuters, Circles Life, Law Society, and more.

Although it’s a blessing that my team is now running the show, I’ve never forgotten my true love of creating awesome designs with my own hands.

If you are not a graphic designer, don’t sweat it. You may be a creator, marketer, or web developer and want to learn to create your own graphics, but you are at the right place.

I’ve been researching and working on these areas for more than 20 years and I’m always happy to help you and share my learnings with you.

Outsource your pins to us, or use our tips to create them yourself.

You can also connect with me on my Linkedin page and check out how I started my graphic design business.

Enjoy! 🥳

Marilyn Wo of Funnel Graphic head shot
Adobe Illustrator Tutorials by Funnel Graphic